Sunday, March 28, 2010

I don't miss you yet

I have not posted in a while, tonight is going to be just a short note from my day today.

I usually get my children back on Sundays. However their dad needed me to get them Saturday. Noah had decided he wanted to stay at his Nanny and Papa's house so he could go to church on Sunday. Not a problem with me, I don't often get alone time with Lillian, plus she is sick so I knew I could count on some good snuggle time. Lilly and I ended up falling asleep on the couch together, which totally amazed me because she has never fallen asleep with me before. Noah was always my baby who wanted to be held, and snuggled. It wasn't until about 16 months old that he finally started going to sleep in his own bed. He still slips into my bed sometime in the middle of the night every now and then. Sometimes I do not notice, and other times I miss the days when I would snuggle him, so I let him stay. Usually Lillian just get cranky until I suggest that she head to bed, where she will quickly fall asleep. So to have her crash on the couch with me was awesome!
Today Lillian and I had a great day together, we played dolly's, colored, ate lunch, took a walk outside, she took a nap, I did laundry and cleaned the house. I sat down towards the end of Lillian's nap and looked at the time. It was 4:30. My day had flown by. I also realized that I had not heard from the kid's grandparents. So I gave them a call. Noah was doing good as usual, and I said I can come pick him up, that I was going to wake Lilly up in just a bit. Nanny had run out to the store, and Papa said he would have her call me back.
About 20 min later, Lilly was up eating a snack, and Nanny called me. Noah had asked to stay the night again. I miss my little man, but I know he loves his grandparents. Noah use to be the only, and then the baby came along. I know he enjoys getting his alone times with those he loves. I did ask to talk to him to tell him I love him, and miss him. This was our conversation;

Noah: "I just want to stay at Nanny and Papa's"
Mommy: "Hi baby! I love you! You going to be a good boy for your Nanny and Papa?"
Noah: "Yes."
Mommy: "I miss you baby"
Noah: "I not miss you yet"
Mommy: "Oh, well, when you do miss me, you going to come home?"
Noah: "I just playing mommy, I miss you."
Mommy: "Ok baby, you be a good boy, love you"
Noah: "OKmommyloveyoubyyyyeee!"

Kids. Gotta love them right? Right, you can't help it.

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