Thursday, March 4, 2010

How your cWAtch?

I tell you some days I really just love my life. I really enjoy comedy, and it seems that a lot of funny stuff happens around/to me. Unfortunately I have a horrid memory, so unless it was super funny, or I write it down (like on here) I tend to forget it. On second thought, maybe my lack of memory is the reason my life is so good! Ha!
OK, so at work my assistant manager Evelyn keeps bugging me about my work pants. I don't think they look bad, she thinks they are a little tight/look like workout pants/too short/or some other thing I can't remember. I however find that they are my most comfortable work pants. Tired of hearing it every time I wear them, I grabbed my too large to wear work pants and brought them with me today to get taken in on my lunch. I think Evelyn did a black flip, in her high heals :)
I have never had anything tailored before, so this was a new experience for me. Don't get me wrong, I had a pretty good idea what was going to happen. After getting detailed directions from Evelyn, I made my way down to Jenny's Tailor in Cary. I pull up, grab my clothes and go in.
I pull open the door, and I hear this dull beep (I find out later on my way out that is is a wireless door alarm you can buy pretty much anywhere, and they taped it to the door with what appeared to be packing tape... classy). To my right there is the neon blue couch and an old Asian man zoned out on it. I hear the TV playing some sort or soap opera. He says to me "You need to try on?" and pointed to the dressing room. I said "HUH?" *haha... internal giggle here.* Then he calls to his partner in crime, Mrs. Jenny (I suppose). She comes out from behind piles, and piles of clothes hung up on racks with slips of paper attached to them. I ask her some simple questions, and then ask her as if I knew all along what I am suppose to do "You need me to try these on?" she points and says yes.
So I head in there, and pull the makeshift door closed. Change into one of the pants and sweaters, go out and show her how I want the shirt, she starts to walk away like that was all I needed, and I say "what about the pants?" and she says "what you want?" I ask her to take them in some at the waist, and then I notice that when I squat a little that the front pokes out. So she does the reach around... yea. And grabs hold of my crotch. She was in that area for what seemed like ten minutes, pinning and marking with chalk. Then the most hilarious thing ever. She looked at me stone cold and says "how's your cWAtch?"
There I am, staring at my crotch, fighting back a fit of laughter, and I just say "it's good". She points to the dressing room again, and like a lost puppy, I head back in. Change, and out again. I once again show her how I want this shirt, and then onto the pants. "How your cWATCh?" I must have had a look on my face, because she yelled it at me next, "HOW YOU CWATCH ON THIS PANT?" "Fine, its good." I even reached down and shielded it with my hand. She points, I go. Thank God that is over.

Moral of the story, New pants and shirts $60.00. Two shirts, two paints taken in $44.00. Having "How's your cWAtch?" yelled at you, priceless!

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