Tonight I was going through the normal routine with the kids. Tucking in, singing our song, saying prayers, and giving one last love. Noah was starting to get a little upset about Baby Jaguar being left at his dad's house. Normally Baby Jaguar is always at my house. He sleeps with it here every night. I went on an extended vacation without them, and he wanted to bring his beloved stuffed toy along for security.
Noah and Lilly both have a sock monkey that I gave them a couple years ago, I tried to comfort Noah with the fact of I had one growing up, and that they are good stuffed animals to snuggle because when they get snuggled they soak up love. Then when you are low on love, and need more you can just give them a quick squeeze and have all the love you need.
Instantly they both started hugging away on the monkeys. It was adorable. Then they wanted to give them to me to sleep with because I do not have my sock monkey any longer (it was lost during a move when I was a kid... and you better believe my mother still is trying to make up for it). I instead encouraged them to keep snuggling the monkeys because soon enough they would end up in my bed like usual sometime in the middle of the night, therefore I would not need anything additional to snuggle.
As soon as I finished my sentence, Noah piped up with the idea that they could fill their monkeys with love, so that while they were back at their dad's house I could then snuggle the sock monkey and get love. Or as Lilly said "The sock monkey can fill up my tank with love".
I am always blown away by Noah and Lillian's complete and never wavering love for me, and the need they have to give it so freely to me. It is so touching to me that they want to ensure that I have their love while they are gone. I have the sweetest kids around, they are literally my heart extended from my body out into the world.
I can say that if they retain nothing else they have learned from me, at the very least they have acquired the ability to love from me. I know this, because I see it not just with me, but with how they are to everyone. I hope to continue to nurture this in them, as this world needs more people willing to love freely, and with out expectations.
Mama Cholie
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Thursday, January 31, 2013
And here I stand. At the end of the sidewalk, at the end of the road. My shadow has already raced across. I look back once more, just to feel the warmth on my face. In the dusk of this moment, lives the future of the next. So, I walk.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Good Grief!
I am a big people watcher and often I sit back and watch situations unfold, wondering what the heck some people are thinking. I never understood how two perfect strangers could be mean right off the bat to each other, i.e., upset customer screaming at a customer service rep on the phone, some one tailing you in the rain because your not driving fast enough, the patient that storms in late demanding to be instantly taken back or else its your head on a platter.... And so many more.
We all mimic each other... Experiment: go smile at some strangers and see how many do not smile back. It's hard. But more often than not, people are more willing to share a scowl than a grin. I don't see the point. If we all would go back to the basics, remember the lessons taught early in life and be KIND to each other, things could be different. (I feel like I am on a soap box here....)
I bring up this topic because as a Mom it is my constant duty to raise my children up with good morals and ethics. Lately I have been trying to teach the kids what is nice, and what is mean. And relating that to their own feelings when some one is mean to them.
What I am showing them is basically the "Golden Rule". Do unto others as you would have others do unto you... Or Matthew 7:12.

Anyways, this is a close and personal subject to my heart. I do not like seeing people being unnecessarily mean to other people... not that there necessarily is a time to be mean. Being mean is a choice, it takes a lot of effort, going out of your way, and just too much time!
It is much easier to take a gentler approach, and hopefully it would be sincere.
Let's just all be kind, and if you can't... at least take the high road.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
What throws a temper tantrum, crosses her arms, slumps on the bed and exclaims "YOU DESTROYED MY WHOLE LIFE!"? No, I am not the mother to a teenage girl... she is THREE! Lord help me.
Between the constant battle of her only wanting to wear a dress, pushing her brother, and just being set on go at all times, my biggest goal for her is to take the diva out of the equation. I do not want to squash the person she is growing up to be, but there has to be some restraint. For my son, age three was the worst, and shortly after his fourth birthday things just clicked into place. He became laid back, followed directions, and helped lead sister to do the right things. Granted she was two, and I don't care what all the books say, or that saying "terrible twos", two was a fabulous age. Three... that is what they don't tell you.
I am hoping as her fourth birthday is approaching that she too will mellow out a little... deep down, I doubt it! haha. In all seriousness, I love this spunky little girl, and I hope to nurture the spunk, humor and compassion that comes out of her, I just want the drama queen to take a hike!
Keep your fingers crossed, I have a count down on my calendar, 21 more days.
Between the constant battle of her only wanting to wear a dress, pushing her brother, and just being set on go at all times, my biggest goal for her is to take the diva out of the equation. I do not want to squash the person she is growing up to be, but there has to be some restraint. For my son, age three was the worst, and shortly after his fourth birthday things just clicked into place. He became laid back, followed directions, and helped lead sister to do the right things. Granted she was two, and I don't care what all the books say, or that saying "terrible twos", two was a fabulous age. Three... that is what they don't tell you.
I am hoping as her fourth birthday is approaching that she too will mellow out a little... deep down, I doubt it! haha. In all seriousness, I love this spunky little girl, and I hope to nurture the spunk, humor and compassion that comes out of her, I just want the drama queen to take a hike!
Keep your fingers crossed, I have a count down on my calendar, 21 more days.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Clean Your Plate
A few years ago I was watching this special on TV that was talking about people who have been conditioned to "clean their plates", which apparently has contributed to obesity. They also touched on plates being bigger, and making it so that not only are we clearing our plates, but we are clearing our much larger plates.
I remember growing up that my parents would fix my plate, and I had to eat it. Period. I remember once being put to nap and missed out on snack because I didn't want to eat spinach from a can... or at all for that matter. It was green, limp and slimy... My opinion on it has changed as I have gotten older, I love it (and not just because I don't want to take a nap, I love those now too).
Another exciting transition growing up was, "If you want to make your plate, that is fine, but you have to eat everything you put on your plate" and my Dad's famous saying "So I guess your eyes were bigger than your stomach".
Now that I have children of my own, I am in a constant inner stuggle of "Finish your meal" and "Eat until your full". I do not do a lot of sweets with my kids, just because I never think of it, I crave them so far and few between that it is just not a part of my diet. However we do have popcorn often. And I have tried to use it as leverage before in getting them to eat a meal, and then also I wondered if it was hindering their meal because they didn't want to fill up on dinner so they could have popcorn.
When I make their plates, I keep in mind that they are small, and I do not put a lot on there. I feel it is important for them to finish it so they get all the nutrients they need, but on the other hand I don't want them to be "Stuffed", or to be conditioned to continue eating until visually they see there is no more food left. I want them to learn it is ok to push the plate away when they are full.... I just wonder what age you start teaching this... Is 3 and 5 too young?
I find that I am probably the strickt parent.... ok no probably about it, I'm the bad cop.
Friday, June 24, 2011
For Simplicity right?
Today I opened my computer, and a my browser sprang to life and right there in digital back and white was a story of the top 10 industries in decline (to see click HERE).

I was not surprised to see some of the ones that were listed, like video stores and news papers. Considering that we can get a hold of anything via the web, what is the need to have the copy of the local paper delivered to your front door step? Why go out and buy that new CD when you can download it? Same goes for that book on the best seller list.

It makes me envision lofty condos, streamlined furniture, bold color schemes... and the absence of bookshelves. I do find that I favor the simplicity of the photos that follow. However, it does make me think about what I grew up with, and how I remember the stories of change in my parents lives, even in my grandparents lives. I never thought that I would see any significant change in my life, because so much has changed from 40 or 50 years ago... how much more COULD change? (Even though I specifically remember when I was in second grade, my teacher asked us to picture
what the future would bring... all of us thought that we would be in flying cars by now...sheesh)

Well, apparently a lot could change. In the age that we are living in most everything is becoming digital. Photos, music, books, voices, instruments, you name it.
To me however, I really hope that some things stay the same. I want to hold a book in my hand, not hold a portable devices that is backlit, and so... sterile. I would really miss heading to the pool with my boyfriend on an afternoon that we have to ourselves to sit and relax and not have an actual paperback in my hand. Or having to figure out a way to burn all my music on a CD, or finding a way to upgrade my "outdated" car so that I can just plug in my MP3 player. I would miss having bookshelves full of movies for my kids to pick from.
In the movie Beauty and the Beast I remember the library in the Beast's mansion. I remember feeling how lucky Beauty was to be able to have that many books at her fingertips. I would be in heaven if I were to own a library like that. I do find that I differ from my best friend in how I can re-read, and re-watch the same thing several times. Yes, you can do that if you own a digital copy, but isn't there a pride of ownership that might be missing with everything being digital? Yes you "own" a digital copy of something on some device you also own... but it's not there to hold, turn over, read the insert, or the back cover.... you can not touch it.
Then in my path of thought, I think, what about love? Will that become digital? Will we all evolve into living like the people in Surrogates? Never letting our real selves be shown? Only showing the best of the best we have to offer? A copy of a copy? Reproduced multiple time, to be shared over and over?
Maybe I am just taking this a little too far. But having recently watched Wall-e, I wonder how long it will be until we are stuck in a disillusioned, coma-like state, just floating along unaware of what we really are missing.
For as long as I can, I plan to keep adding to my book shelve. And if your wondering, yes I still own a VHS player :)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Moving Day
Today is moving day. I have not taken much time to prepare. Tuesday I found out I had gotten the new place, and here it is Saturday. I have been working, and so when I got home I had not felt like packing much. And today has creeped up on me.
Here I sit on my porch wondering...What have I done? I have never viewed myself and some one who had a hard time with change, I am praised at work for being able to mold myself into whatever category they find necessary to place me in. I do find that I am a person who has moments of indecisiveness, but I didn't think that would translate over into something like moving.
I am moving into a place where the kids now can have their own space, somewhere a little newer, closer to work, somewhere I would feel comfortable having people over. Yet I look at this sunrise, I think of the back yard, my landlords, and I feel like I am moving away from home. In the entire time that I have lived here, this has never felt like "home", it has always felt like I was in a very long layover. I had not felt comfortable. But now as today has found me, I am racked with fear. Not a crippling fear, just one of "will the kids adjust", "will the neighbor above me have heavy feet", "will everything work out how I plan"... and that is where I stop myself and remember that I is not MY plan... it is HIS plan, and I am turning my life over to Him, and that He will provide for me when I see no other way.
I have found my relationship with the Lord again, not that it was ever gone, however it is stronger than before. I rest my worries in his hands, and listen to my heart. For the Lord knows me and my heart, and I should never be in fear.
Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord.
“They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen.
If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."
"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord.
“They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen.
If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."
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