Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Power Of Love

Tonight I was going through the normal routine with the kids. Tucking in, singing our song, saying prayers, and giving one last love. Noah was starting to get a little upset about Baby Jaguar being left at his dad's house. Normally Baby Jaguar is always at my house. He sleeps with it here every night. I went on an extended vacation without them, and he wanted to bring his beloved stuffed toy along for security.

Noah and Lilly both have a sock monkey that I gave them a couple years ago, I tried to comfort Noah with the fact of I had one growing up, and that they are good stuffed animals to snuggle because when they get snuggled they soak up love. Then when you are low on love, and need more you can just give them a quick squeeze and have all the love you need.

Instantly they both started hugging away on the monkeys. It was adorable. Then they wanted to give them to me to sleep with because I do not have my sock monkey any longer (it was lost during a move when I was a kid... and you better believe my mother still is trying to make up for it). I instead encouraged them to keep snuggling the monkeys because soon enough they would end up in my bed like usual sometime in the middle of the night, therefore I would not need anything additional to snuggle.

As soon as I finished my sentence, Noah piped up with the idea that they could fill their monkeys with love, so that while they were back at their dad's house I could then snuggle the sock monkey and get love. Or as Lilly said "The sock monkey can fill up my tank with love".

I am always blown away by Noah and Lillian's complete and never wavering love for me, and the need they have to give it so freely to me. It is so touching to me that they want to ensure that I have their love while they are gone. I have the sweetest kids around, they are literally my heart extended from my body out into the world.

I can say that if they retain nothing else they have learned from me, at the very least they have acquired the ability to love from me. I know this, because I see it not just with me, but with how they are to everyone. I hope to continue to nurture this in them, as this world needs more people willing to love freely, and with out expectations.  

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