I was not surprised to see some of the ones that were listed, like video stores and news papers. Considering that we can get a hold of anything via the web, what is the need to have the copy of the local paper delivered to your front door step? Why go out and buy that new CD when you can download it? Same goes for that book on the best seller list.

It makes me envision lofty condos, streamlined furniture, bold color schemes... and the absence of bookshelves. I do find that I favor the simplicity of the photos that follow. However, it does make me think about what I grew up with, and how I remember the stories of change in my parents lives, even in my grandparents lives. I never thought that I would see any significant change in my life, because so much has changed from 40 or 50 years ago... how much more COULD change? (Even though I specifically remember when I was in second grade, my teacher asked us to picture
what the future would bring... all of us thought that we would be in flying cars by now...sheesh)

Well, apparently a lot could change. In the age that we are living in most everything is becoming digital. Photos, music, books, voices, instruments, you name it.
To me however, I really hope that some things stay the same. I want to hold a book in my hand, not hold a portable devices that is backlit, and so... sterile. I would really miss heading to the pool with my boyfriend on an afternoon that we have to ourselves to sit and relax and not have an actual paperback in my hand. Or having to figure out a way to burn all my music on a CD, or finding a way to upgrade my "outdated" car so that I can just plug in my MP3 player. I would miss having bookshelves full of movies for my kids to pick from.
In the movie Beauty and the Beast I remember the library in the Beast's mansion. I remember feeling how lucky Beauty was to be able to have that many books at her fingertips. I would be in heaven if I were to own a library like that. I do find that I differ from my best friend in how I can re-read, and re-watch the same thing several times. Yes, you can do that if you own a digital copy, but isn't there a pride of ownership that might be missing with everything being digital? Yes you "own" a digital copy of something on some device you also own... but it's not there to hold, turn over, read the insert, or the back cover.... you can not touch it.
Then in my path of thought, I think, what about love? Will that become digital? Will we all evolve into living like the people in Surrogates? Never letting our real selves be shown? Only showing the best of the best we have to offer? A copy of a copy? Reproduced multiple time, to be shared over and over?
Maybe I am just taking this a little too far. But having recently watched Wall-e, I wonder how long it will be until we are stuck in a disillusioned, coma-like state, just floating along unaware of what we really are missing.
For as long as I can, I plan to keep adding to my book shelve. And if your wondering, yes I still own a VHS player :)
The more beautiful people that tell beautiful stories about beautiful things like love, the more likely young ones will learn about the legacy of all things genuine.....especially love. Otherwise, they just watch commercials that tell them they should love things that are easy, frail and shallow. These things will weaken their hearts. Then,simplicity becomes their fancy instead of a giant room full of books with beautiful stories in them. Love: pass it on!