BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! *groan* Snooze. As I'm laying there, I am haunted by a question I'm sure many people have asked... Why a nine minute snooze? (later on I sort of found my answer
here.) Before I had time to ponder about this, and before I really had time to "snooze", I see the back of a little boy creeping around my door. The same little boy who use to come scampering into my room, hop into my bed, is now tip toeing around very mischievously.
"Noah... What are you doing?"
"It's mornin' time Mommy." (incase I missed the memo...)
"Yes son, I know that, but why are you sneaking around?"
"I'm just checkin' it out mom."
And how can I argue with that? He has only slept here once before last night. I had just moved to this new place at the ending of our last week together.
I managed to unfurl my self from the cocoon of blankets. As usual he wants a pop tart, some juice and nick jr. Your wish is my command Little Master. Not long and Lilly is making noise from the bedroom. I wonder what it is like to wake up and be full of energy. She comes bouncing out of her room on tip toes "juuuice..." One cup of juice for the Little Lady coming up.
Kids settled on the couch, this is my time to hastily get ready for my day. I have the whole thing timed down to 40 minutes, this is to maximize on my sleep time while still looking fresh and rested, let the count down begin!
Half way through my speedy routine I hear "EWW LILLY, YOU STINK!" And here comes Noah trotting into my bathroom with his nose buried into the crack of his elbow.
"What's wrong son?"
"She pooted"
"I'm sure the smell is gone Noah, go sit back on the couch and eat your breakfast."
"uht uhh" (three year old for No.)
And then I watch as if I'm at a dog race, "And they're off, #1 running to the room. Following closely is #2, and she is gaining speed. Around the bend, here they come again, #2 on the tail of #1. I hear whining coming from #1, its a warning to #2 to back off. Around the coffee table, through the kitchen and back to the room..." After a few more laps around the house, and all the crying and whining I could stand so early in the morning, I decided to intervene. Pop tart crumbs scattered from the living room to their bedroom, this is unacceptable. I try to tell Noah that the smell (which I find it hard to believe could have been very offensive to him) is gone, I even fanned her butt to ensure there was nothing still lingering around. No good. This kept up until I was finished. Oh well, you win some, you loose some.
They are pretty good about getting their clothes on, and shoes and coats wrangled up. Ever since Lilly and figured out that she can do it her self all I hear about everything is "self... self" so I let her have at it! Lunch is already packed, I grabbed Noah' lunch box out of the fridge and put it in is back pack, and I set it on the table.
Finishing up a few details, and we are set to go. We piled out to the car, and zoomed off. Half way down the road I realized I forgot his dern back pack! After a perfectly executed three-point turn, a quick dash inside, we are back on track.
Once the kids are dropped off, I have a 30 minute-ish drive to work. Bob and The Showgram have a permanent residency on my morning drive. Once I'm to work, it's business as usual. The morning flies by, lunch was satisfying and the second half of my day was not that shabby either. Rushing home to my babies is a constant gamble... How fast is fast enough to satisfy my need for speed, and still not get pulled? (guh... yes, this is one of my bad habits. I'm working on it, one MPH at a time.)
Kids in the car, strapped in, its time to finally relax. On our short 10 minute drive home we have decided we are going to watch a movie after bath time. Children after my own heart they agree on Sleeping Beauty. The three of us snuggle up on the couch, watch our movie and as soon as it is finished its off to bed. They really are at times so well behaved, I just sit back in amazement. Kisses, hugs and then tucked in, its Mommy time!
Blog entry completed, its time for me to nestle back into my cocoon and dream about what's in store for tomorrow, G'night!
(side note: as I'm laying in bed writing this, I heard a ca-clunk-bang come from the other side of the house, AKA; the kids half. So I ventured down that hall, flipped on the light to find that my daughter Lilly was not where I had left her. She couldn't have gone far, since I can see straight into their room from mine... and then I see this pint sized foot poking out from under the bed. How she managed to get from on top, to under, and I mean ALL the way under the bed is beyond me. Kids, they're amazing!)